Have a question that isn't answered below?  Contact us here or email us at WindwoodFarmSoap@gmail.com


Can we come visit your farm/see the goats?  We do not currently own goats.  Between working full-time jobs & making awesome skin-care products, we just don’t have the time.  We currently source our goat milk from a local herd of humanely raised Saanen dairy goats. 

What's so great about goat milk soap?  Goat milk has amazing benefits for your skin!  Read all about it here.  

When will I get my order?  We are typically able to fill orders within 2-3 business days and ship out daily, Monday - Friday.  

Shipping method & cost:  We use USPS Ground or Priority Mail services.  Tip: Get your family, friends, and neighbors in on the order!  It usually will cost just as much for us to ship you 6 bars as it would for 30 bars.

Will my soap melt during shipping?  Nope! Our soap is handmade using the cold process method (not melt and pour) - it will not melt! 

Do you make lye-free soap?  You must use lye to make true soap.  By the time you get your hands on our soap, the lye has been through the saponification & curing process (4-6 weeks).  It has been completely safe from the raw, hazardous form for many, many weeks before we ship it out!  

How do I make my soap last longer?  Keep it out of your water stream as much as possible & use a well-draining soap dish to allow it to fully dry between uses.  We also recommend having a “bubble bag” on hand - throw in your soap slivers & get more days out of your soap.  The bag also creates amazing lather and provides a gentle exfoliation!  (Soap dishes and bubble bags available on our accessories page) For bars that you are not currently using, place them in a dry, cool area out of direct sunlight.  Do not leave them in your bathroom!  The humidity will end up causing the glycerin to evaporate. 

Why don’t you ever answer the phone? Hi mom!!  Just kidding...kind of.  We work full-time jobs in addition to running Windwood Farm.  We are not always available to answer during our work day & when we are not working our “real” jobs, we’re often making soap! The best way to reach us is via email (windwoodfarmsoap@gmail.com) but if you prefer to call - just leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!!

Will using your products cure my...?   We cannot make any claims about our products ability to cure, prevent, or treat a condition or disease.  However, many loyal customers use our products exclusively because of the results and relief they get for their skin conditions.  Having a child who suffers from eczema, we can understand the battle, the time spent researching,  the money spent on the next new product that "will cure it forever"!  All we can say is give us a try - we hope to provide you or your loved ones the relief they are searching for.

Why don't you make ________?   If you have a product suggestion, send us a note - we'll add it to our customer wish list!  

How do I find out about sales, new releases, etc?  Follow us on Facebook (‘Windwood Farm Goat Milk Soap’) & Instagram (‘Windwood Farm Soap’) or sign up for our email list! 

How can I sell your products in my store?  Fill out the form here or send us an email with your name, your store name/location, resale tax ID & tell us a little about your store!  We are currently only considering brick & mortar stores and we do not allow re-branding of our products. If we think your store would be a good fit, you will receive our onboarding package with additional details about our wholesale terms!  

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